Previous Semesters

Sommersemester 2024

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

International Trade and the Macroeconomy
Unfortunately, the course had to be cancelled.


Wintersemester 2023/24

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)



Sommersemester 2023

reduziertes Lehrangebot aufgrund Freistellung für besondere Forschungsvorhaben

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Wintersemester 2022/23

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Sommersemester 2022

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

International Trade and the Macroeconomy

Wintersemester 2021/22

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Sommersemester 2021

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

International Trade and the Macroeconomy

Wintersemester 2020/21

Note: Due to the Corona pandemic, all lectures offered by the International Economics chair in the winter semester 2020/21 have to take place in online mode.

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Sommersemester 2020

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

  • International Trade and the Macroeconomy

Wintersemester 2019/20

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics: International Trade in Services
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics: European Integration (Dr. Miriam Kohl)
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Sommersemester 2019

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

  • International Trade and the Macroeconomy

Wintersemester 2018/19

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

  • Einführung in die VWL
    Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)
    mehrere Übungen an verschiedenen Wochentagen
  • Bachelorseminar (2 SWS)

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics: International Trade in Services
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Sommersemester 2018

reduziertes Lehrangebot aufgrund Freistellung für besondere Forschungsvorhaben

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Wintersemester 2017/18

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Research module (2 SWS): "Farewell to Globalization?"

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2017

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • Advanced International Economics I: International Macroeconomics
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics: International Trade in Services
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Eocnomics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

  • International Trade and the Macroeconomy

Wintersemester 2016/17

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2016

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • Advanced International Economics I: International Macroeconomics
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics: International Trade in Services
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Research module (2 SWS): "Applying the IMF’s Financial Programming Framework"

Graduate School of Eocnomics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Wintersemester 2015/16

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2015

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • Advanced International Economics I: International Macroeconomics
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics: International Trade in Services
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Wintersemester 2014/15

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2014

reduziertes Lehrangebot aufgrund Freitstellung für besondere Forschungsvorhaben

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Macroeconomics
    Lectures and Tutorials (blocked course)
  • Topics in Advanced International Economics
    Lectures (2 SWS) and Tutorials (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)


Wintersemester 2013/14

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

  • Einführung in die VWL
    Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)
    mehrere Übungen an verschiedenen Wochentagen
  • Bachelorseminar (2SWS) "Staatsverschuldung"

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2013

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Wintersemester 2012/13

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2012

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Diplom VWL/BWL

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Wintersemester 2011/12

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

  • Einführung in die VWL
    Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)
    Do, 12-14 Uhr
    Fr, 8-10 Uhr
    mehrere Übungen an verschiedenen Wochentagen

Diplom VWL/BWL

  • Einführung in die VWL
    Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS), s.o.
  • Seminar VWL (2SWS): International Financial Integration
    anrechenbar für VWL-Theorie, VWL-Politik oder Wahlfach Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
    Mi, 8-10 Uhr
    Do 10-12 Uhr (Übung)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Sommersemester 2011

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Diplom VWL/BWL

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

Wintersemester 2010/11

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Diplom VWL/BWL

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Sommersemester 2010

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Diplom VWL/BWL

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)