
Wintersemester 2024/25

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

  • Einführung in die VWL
    Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS),
    mehrere Übungen an verschiedenen Wochentagen

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Economics I: International Trade
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • International Monetary Economics
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • European Integration (Dr. Miriam Kohl)
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)



Sommersemester 2025

Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften

  • Exchange Rates and international Capital Markets (ERICM)
    Vorlesung (2 SWS) mit Übung (1 SWS)
  • Bachelorseminar (2 SWS)

Master in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP)

  • International Macroeconomics
    Lecture (2 SWS) with tutorial (2 SWS)
  • Research module (Harms) (2 SWS)
  • Research module (Kohl) (2 SWS)

Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM)

  • International Trade and the Macroeconomy