Journal Articles
Kohl, M. and Richter, P. (2023): "Unilateral Tax Policy in the Open Economy", accepted for publication in Journal of International Economics.
Harms, P., Hoffmann, M., Kohl, M. and Krahnke, T. (2023): "Inequality and the Structure of Countries' External Liabilities", Review of World Economics. [link]
Kohl, M. (2020): “Redistribution, Selection, and Trade”, Journal of International Economics 122, 103255. [link]
Recent Working Papers
Kohl, M. and Naumann, F. (2023): “Redistribution and Reshoring in General Equilibrium”, mimeo, University of Mainz.
Work in Progress
Progressive Taxation, Rent Sharing, and International Trade (with Hartmut Egger and Udo Kreickemeier)
Political Economy of Trade Policy and Taxation (with Philipp Harms and Philipp Richter)