
Publications - Philipp Harms


Harms, Philipp (2016): International Macroeconomics, 2nd edition, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck).

Harms, Philipp (2008): Internationale Makroökonomik, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck).

Harms, Philipp (2000): International investment, political risk, and growth, Boston and
Dordrecht (Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Articles in refereed journals
Published or accepted for publication

Goldbach, Stefan, Philipp Harms, Axel Jochem, Volker Nitsch, and Alfons J. Weichenrieder (2024): „Retained earnings, foreign portfolio ownership, and the German current account: A firm-level approach”, forthcoming in German Economic Review.

Harms, Philipp, Mathias Hoffmann, Miriam Kohl, und Tobias Krahnke (2023): „Inequality and the Structure of Countries’ External Liabilities”, Review of World Economics.

Steiner, Nils, Ruxanda Berlinschi, Etienne Farvaque, Jan Fidrmuc, Philipp Harms, Alexander Mihailov, Michael Neugart, and Piotr Stanek (2023): “Rallying around the EU Flag: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Attitudes toward European Integration”, Journal of Common Market Studies 61, 283-301.

Gruhle, Tobias and Philipp Harms (2022): “Producer Services and the Current Account”,
Journal of International Money and Finance 121, 102514.

Steiner, Nils D. and Philipp Harms (2021): “Trade Shocks and the Nationalist Backlash in Political Attitudes: Panel Data Evidence from Great Britain”, Journal of European Public Policy,
DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2021.2002925.

Harms, Philipp and Jakub Knaze (2021): “Bilateral De-Jure Exchange Rate Regimes and Foreign Direct Investment: A Gravity Analysis”, Journal of International Money and Finance 117, 102438.

Harms, Philipp, Claudia Landwehr, Maximilian Lutz and Markus Tepe (2021): “Deciding how to decide on public goods provision: The role of instrumental vs. intrinsic motives”,  Research and Politics,
April-June 2021: 1–7.

Harms, Philipp, Jaewon Jung and Oliver Lorz (2021): “Offshoring and sequential production
chains: A general-equilibrium analysis”, Canadian Journal of Economics 54, 623-647.

Harms, Philipp and Daria Shuvalova (2020): “Cultural distance and international trade in services: a disaggregate view”, Economic Systems 44, 100786.

Harms, Philipp and Jakob Schwab (2020): “Depression of the deprived or eroding enthusiasm
of the elites: What has shifted the support for international trade?”, European Journal of Political Economy 64, 101901.

Harms, Philipp and Claudia Landwehr (2020): “Is money where the fun ends? Material interests and individuals’ preference for direct democracy”, European Journal of Political Economy 61, 101818.

Landwehr, Claudia and Philipp Harms (2019): “Preferences for referenda: intrinsic or instrumental? Evidence from a survey experiment”, Political Studies.

Harms, Philipp and Jakob Schwab (2019): “Like it or not? How the economic and institutional environment shapes individual attitudes towards multinational enterprises”, The World Economy 42, 636-667.

Harms, Philipp and Pierre-Guillaume Méon (2018): “Good and useless FDI: the growth effects of greenfield investment and mergers and acquisitions”, Review of International Economics 26, 37-59.

Harms, Philipp, Mathias Hoffmann, and Christina Ortseifer (2015): "The Home Bias in Equities and Distribution Costs", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 117, 983-1018.

Dadasov, Ramin, Philipp Harms, and Oliver Lorz (2013): "Financial Integration in Autocracies: Greasing the Wheel or more to steal?", Economics of Governance, 14, 1-22.

Harms, Philipp and Philipp an de Meulen (2013): "Demographic Structure and the Security of Property Rights: The Role of Development and Democracy", European Journal of Political Economy 29, 73-89.

Harms, Philipp and Philipp an de Meulen (2012): "The Demographics of Expropriation Risk", Journal of Population Economics 25, 809-832.

Harms, Philipp, Oliver Lorz, and Dieter Urban (2012): "Offshoring along the Production Chain", Canadian Journal of Economics 45, 93-106.

Harms, Philipp und Mathias Hoffmann (2011): “Deciding to Peg the Exchange Rate in Developing Countries: The Role of Private-Sector debt", Open Economies Review 22, 825-846.

Celasun, Oya and Philipp Harms (2011): "Boon or Burden? The Effect of Private-Sector Debt on the Risk of Sovereign Default in Developing Countries", Economic Inquiry 49, 70-88.

Celasun, Oya and Philipp Harms (2010): "Financial Deregulation, Private Foreign Borrowing and the Risk of Sovereign Default: a Political-Economic Analysis", Frontiers in Finance and Economics 7, 82-100.

Harms, Philipp and Marco Kretschmann (2009): "Deeds, words, and outcomes: a survey of the growth effects of exchange rate regimes", Journal of Economic Surveys 23, 139-164.

Harms, Philipp and Matthias Lutz (2006): "Aid, governance, and private foreign investment: some puzzling findings for the 1990s", The Economic Journal 116, 773-790.

Harms, Philipp and Stefan Zink (2005): "Growing into and out of social conflict", Economica 72, 267-286.

Harms, Philipp and Carsten Hefeker (2003): "Globalization and unemployment: the role of international diversification", Economics Letters 78, 281-286.

Harms, Philipp, Aaditya Mattoo, and Ludger Schuknecht (2003): "Explaining liberalization commitments in financial services trade", Review of World Economics/Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 139, 82-113.

Harms, Philipp and Stefan Zink (2003): "Eating the rich vs. feeding the poor: borrowing constraints and the reluctance to redistribute", Public Choice 116, 351-366.

Harms, Philipp and Stefan Zink (2003): "Limits to redistribution in a democracy: a survey", European Journal of Political Economy 19, 651-668.

Harms, Philipp and Heinrich W. Ursprung (2002): "Do civil and political repression really boost foreign direct investments?", Economic Inquiry 40, 651-663.

Harms, Philipp (2002): "The persistence of government expenditure shocks and the effect of monopolistic competition on the fiscal multiplier", Oxford Economic Papers 54, 44- 55.

Harms, Philipp (2002): "Poverty and political risk", Review of International Economics 10, 250-62.

Harms, Philipp (2002): "Political risk and equity investment in developing countries", Applied Economics Letters 9, 377-80.

Harms, Philipp (2001): "International investment in a model of stochastic growth and development traps", Journal of Economics 74, 131-55.

Bös, Dieter and Philipp Harms (1997): "Mass privatization, management control and efficiency", Journal of Public Economics 64, 343-357.

Book reviews

Harms, Philipp (2013): "The macroeconomic theory of exchange rate crises" (by Giovanni Piersanti), Journal of Economics 109, 315-317.

Harms, Philipp (2011): "Offshoring in the Global Economy" (by Robert C. Feenstra), Journal of Economics 102, 291-93.

Harms, Philipp (2009): "Institutions and Economic Performance" (edited by Elhanan Helpman), Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229, 654-55.

Harms, Philipp (2007): "Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil. Bad Luck or Bad Policy? (by Guillermo Calvo)", Journal of Economics 91, 100-105.

Harms, Philipp (2001): "Political economy in macroeconomics (by Allan Drazen)", European Journal of Political Economy 17, 665-68.

Policy contributions and other contributions

Harms, Philipp (2020): „Zwischen Rationalität und Rhetorik: Zur politischen Ökonomie des Brexit“,
ifo Schnelldienst 12/2020, 21-24.

Landwehr, Claudia, Thorsten Faas, und Philipp Harms (2017): „Bröckelt der Verfahrenskonsens? Einstellungen zu politischen Entscheidungen und demokratischen Entscheidungsverfahren in Zeiten des Populismus“, Leviathan 45, 35-54.

Harms, Philipp (2017): “Die Leistungsbilanz: Bestandteile, Bestimmungsfaktoren, Interpretation”, WISU 4/17, 493-499.

Harms, Philipp und Jakob Schwab (2017): „Die Haltung zur ökonomischen Globalisierung als Abbild von Verteilungsinteressen? Einige Ergebnisse auf der Basis von Umfragedaten“, ifo Schnelldienst 9/2017, 16-18.

Harms, Philipp (2016): „Professoren-Profile“, WISU 11/16, 1193-1194.

Harms, Philipp (2016): „‘The Taming of the Shrew‘: (Wie) Soll die Wirtschaftspolitik die deutsche Leistungsbilanz beeinflussen?“, Wirtschaftsdienst 96(11), 797-800.

Harms, Philipp (2010): „Die Euro-Krise: Kinderkrankheit eines Jahrhundertprojekts“, Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik 126, 2-5.

Harms, Philipp (2008): „Sicherung privater Investitionen – ein geeignetes Instrument der Entwicklungshilfe?“, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 57, 306-314.

Contributions to edited volumes

Harms, Philipp and Marco Kretschmann (2009): "Was wissen wir über die Qualität der Institutionen?", in U.Vollmer (ed.): Institutionelle Ursachen des Wohlstands der Nationen (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik Band 323). Berlin (Duncker & Humblot).

Harms, Philipp (2008): "Sicherung privater Investitionen – ein geeignetes Instrument der Entwicklungshilfe", Beitrag zum Wirtschaftspolitischen Forum, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 57, 306-314.

Harms, Philipp and Marco Kretschmann (2007): "Die Wahl des Wechselkursregimes: Worte, Taten und Konsequenzen", in U.Vollmer (ed.): Globalisierung und Wandel von Institutionen (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik Band 317). Berlin (Duncker & Humblot).

Harms, Philipp and Matthias Lutz (2005): "The macroeconomic effects of foreign aid", in H.Ahrens (ed.): Development Cooperation – Evaluation and New Approaches (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik Band 308). Berlin (Duncker & Humblot).

Harms, Philipp and Heinrich W. Ursprung (2001): "Freiheit und ausländische Direktinvestitionen", in S.K. Berninghaus and M. Braulke (eds.): Beiträge zur Mikro- und zur Makroökonomik. Festschrift für Hans Jürgen Ramser. Berlin, Heidelberg und London (Springer).

Working papers

Beck, Guenter W., Philipp Harms, Muzammil Hussain, and Mark Ruszel (2024): “Anti-poor and anti-rich: Product-downgrading and the distributional effects of UK inflation in the wake of the Brexit vote”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2408.

Harms, Philipp (2024): “Globalization and its Contents: An Update”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2406.

Steiner, Nils D., Claudia Landwehr, and Philipp Harms (2024): “False Consensus Beliefs and Populist Attitudes”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2403.

Harms, Philipp and Jana Niedringhaus (2024): “On Social Cohesion and Social Disintegration”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2401.

Goldbach, Stefan, Philipp Harms, Axel Joachem, Volker Nitsch, und Alfons J. Weichenrieder (2023): “Retained Earnings and Foreign Portfolio Ownership: Implications for the Current Account Debate”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2306.

Harms, Philipp and Nils Steiner (2023): “Attitudes towards Globalization: A Survey”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2305.

Steiner, Nils, Ruxanda Berlinschi, Etienne Farvaque, Jan Fidrmuc, Philipp Harms, Alexander Mihailov, Michael Neugart, and Piotr Stanek (2022): “Rallying around the EU Flag: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Attitudes toward European Integration”, CESifo Working Paper No. 9883.

Harms, Philipp, Mathias Hoffmann, Miriam Kohl, und Tobias Krahnke (2022): „Inequality and the Structure of Countries’ External Liabilities”, IMF Working Paper 22/138.

Harms, Philipp and Jakub Knaze (2021): “Effective Exchange Rate Regimes and Inflation”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2102.

Harms, Philipp, Claudia Landwehr, Maximilian Lutz, and Markus Tepe (2020): “Deciding how to decide on public goods provision: The role of instrumental vs. intrinsic motives”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2018.

Steiner, Nils D. and Philipp Harms (2020): “Local Trade Shocks and the Nationalist Backlash in Political Attitudes: Panel Data Evidence from Great Britain”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2014.

Harms, Philipp, Claudia Landwehr, Maximilian Lutz, and Markus Tepe (2020): “Procedural Preferences, Self-Interest, and Communication. Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 2011.

Harms, Philipp and Jakob Schwab (2019): “Depression of the deprived or eroding enthusiasm of the elites: What has shifted the support for globalization?”  Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1912.

Gruhle, Tobias and Philipp Harms (2019): “Producer Services and the Current Account” Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy”
Discussion Paper No. 1906.

Harms, Philipp and Claudia Landwehr (2018): “Money is where the fun ends: material interests and individuals' preference for direct democracy”  Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1815.

Harms, Philipp and Jakub Knaze (2018): “Bilateral De-Jure Exchange Rate Regimes and Foreign Direct Investment: A Gravity Analysis”  Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1808.

Harms, Philipp and Claudia Landwehr (2017): “Preferences for direct democracy: intrinsic or instrumental? Evidence from a survey experiment” Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1719.

Harms, Philipp, Jaewon Jung and Oliver Lorz (2016): “Offshoring and Sequential Production Chains: A General-Equilibrium Analysis”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1607.

Harms, Philipp and Daria Shuvalova (2016): “Cultural Distance and International Trade in Services: A Disaggregate View”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1606.

Harms, Philipp and Daria Shuvalova (2015): “Like it or not? How the Economic and Institutional Environment Shapes Individual Attitudes towards Multinational Enterprises”, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” Discussion Paper No. 1515.

Harms, Philipp and Joachim Lutz (2014): "Foreign vs. Domestic Public Debt and the Composition of Government Expenditure: A Political-Economy Approach", Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit "Interdisciplinary Public Policy" Discussion Paper No. 1415.

Harms, Philipp and Pierre-Guillaume Méon (2014): “Good and bad FDI: The Growth Effects of Greenfield Investment and Mergers and Acquisitions in Developing Countries”, Centre Emile Bernheim CEB Working Paper N° 14/021. Previous version published as “An FDI is an FDI is an FDI? The growth effects of greenfield investment and mergers and acquisitions in developing countries”, Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 11.11. Revise and resubmit at Review of International Economics.

Harms, Philipp, Mathias Hoffmann, and Christina Ortseifer (2010): "The Home Bias in Equities and Distribution Costs", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 10.03.

Dadasov, Ramin, Philipp, Harms, and Oliver Lorz (2010): "Financial integration in Autocracies: Greasing the Wheel or more to Steal?", MAGKS Discussion Paper No. 14-2010.

Harms, Philipp and Mathias Hoffmann (2009): "Deciding to Peg the Exchange Rate in Developing Countries: The Role of Private-Sector Debt", Study Center Gerzensee
Working Paper No. 09.06 und Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper (Series 1), No. 34/2009.

Harms, Philipp and Philipp an de Meulen (2009): "The Demographics of Expropriation Risk", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 09.02; Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Population Economics.

Harms, Philipp, Oliver Lorz, and Dieter Urban (2009): "Offshoring along the Production Chain", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 09.01 and CESifo Discussion Paper No. 2564.

Celasun, Oya and Philipp Harms (2007): "How does private foreign borrowing affect the risk of sovereign default in developing countries?" Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 07.04.

Harms, Philipp and Marco Kretschmann (2007): "Deeds, words, and outcomes: a survey of the growth effects of exchange rate regimes", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 07.03.

Harms, Philipp and Stefan Zink (2006): "The POUM hypothesis: A reassessment", mimeo.

Harms, Philipp and Michael Rauber (2004): "Foreign aid and developing countries’ creditworthiness", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 04.05.

Harms, Philipp and Matthias Lutz (2004): "The macroeconomic effects of aid: a survey", University of St. Gallen Discussion Paper No. 2004-11.

Harms, Philipp and Matthias Lutz (2003): "Aid, governance, and private foreign investment: some puzzling findings and a possible explanation", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 03.04.

Schuknecht, Ludger, Philipp Harms, and Aaditya Mattoo (2003): "Explaining liberalization commitments in financial services trade", World Bank Working Paper No. 2999.

Harms, Philipp (2002): "Deregulation and the current account", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 02.07.

Harms, Philipp and Stefan Zink (2002): "Growing into and out of social conflict", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 02.06.

Harms, Philipp (2001): "Deregulation and the current account", University of Konstanz, Dept. of Economics Discussion Paper No. 315.

Bütler, Monika and Philipp Harms (2001): "Old folks and spoiled brats: Why the baby boomers' saving crisis need not be that bad", Université de Lausanne Cahier de Recherches Economiques No. 01.07.

Harms, Philipp and Heinrich W. Ursprung (2001): "Do civil and political repression really boost foreign direct investments?", CESifo Working Paper No. 421.

Harms, Philipp and Stefan Zink (2000): "Invest, expropriate, or wait? Expected income and the demand for redistribution", University of Konstanz, Dept. of Economics Discussion Paper No. 305.

Harms, Philipp (1996): "How large is the fiscal multiplier in imperfect competition business cycle models?", University of St. Gallen Discussion Paper No. 9710.

Bös, Dieter and Philipp Harms (1995): "Mass privatization, management control and efficiency", University of Bonn Discussion Paper A-475.

Publications - Research Assistants

Kohl, Miriam (2020): "Redistribution, Selection, and Trade", Journal of International Economics 122, 103255.

Harms, Philipp, Mathias Hoffmann, and Christina Ortseifer (2015): "The Home Bias in Equities and Distribution Costs", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 117, 983-1018.

Harms, Philipp and Joachim Lutz (2014): "Foreign vs. Domestic Public Debt and the Composition of Government Expenditure: A Political-Economy Approach", Gutenberg School of Management and Economics & Research Unit "Interdisciplinary Public Policy", Discussion Paper No. 1415.

Schwab, Jakob (2014): "Throwing the Spanner in the Works: The Mixed Blessing of FDI", Gutenberg School of Management and Economics Discussion Paper Series, No. 1403.

Harms, Philipp, Mathias Hoffmann, and Christina Ortseifer (2010): "The Home Bias in Equities and Distribution Costs", Study Center Gerzensee Working Paper No. 10.03.