Dr. rer. pol.
E-mail: jakob.schwab(at)uni-mainz.de
Working Papers:
“The Mixed Blessing of FDI: Two-Way Capital Flows and Growth”,
Keywords: FDI, financial market globalization, welfare effects, open-economy growth, systemic international inequality, two-way capital flows
JEL: F21, F43, F54, F62, O16
“Reaping the Gains: Specialization and Capital Flows” (joint with Christina Ortseifer),
Keywords: Trade and Capital Flows, Specialization, Three-factor models
JEL: F11, F21
“Like it or not? How the Economic and Institutional Environment Shapes Individual Attitudes towards Multinational Enterprises” (joint with Philipp Harms),
Keywords: Multinational Enterprises, FDI, Political Economy
JEL: F23, F61, I31